Reverse Osmosis System Treatment Chemicals

Reverse Osmosis System Treatment Chemicals

Reverse Osmosis is a type of water filtration that involves pushing water through a semipermeable membrane in high pressure. The water moves from an area where it is in low concentration to an area where it is in high concentrations, thus the reverse name. The RO membranes are designed to filter off both suspended and dissolved solids in water to up to 0.0001 microns. Even after pre-filtration, RO feed water still contains some suspected and dissolved solids that are removed by the RO membranes. Some of these impurities cause scales on the membranes and need to be chemically removed before getting to the membranes to avoid clogging of the membranes. With time, the membranes require chemical cleaning and disinfection to clear them of the impurities they had trapped during the filtration process.


  • RO Antiscalant
  • RO Alkaline Cleaner
  • RO Acid Cleaner
  • RO Disinfectant
  • RO Membrane Preservative


  1. R.O Antiscalant prevents the scaling & fouling of the RO membranes.
  2. R.O Alkaline Cleaner is effective for removal of inorganic colloids, biofilms and organics
  3. R.O Acid cleaner is used to remove iron oxide and carbonate scale from membrane surfaces.
  4. R.O Disinfectant removes biological and other organic foulants. Effective for sanitization of R.O Membranes.
  5. R.O Membrane Preservative preserves RO membranes and systems by preventing biological growth during periods of non-operation.

Available Products
– Hydrex 4104 (Antiscalant)
– Sodium Metabisulfite (Chroline Remover)
– Hydrex 4502 (Alkaline Cleaner)
– Hydrex 4503 (Acid Cleaner)
– Hydrex 4203 (Disinfectant)
– Hydrex 4601 (Membrane Preservative)

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