What Is Driving Safely
• Controls that you take while operating your vehicle to give you a safe trip.
• It encompasses tactics, simple precautions, that ensure safety.
• Practices to reduce the chances of another driver’s errors that could cause
you to be involved in a collision.

Common Human Errors That Cause Collisions
1. In-Attention
2. Not enough time
3. Not enough space
4. Not allowing for the mistakes
of others
5. Not enough Training
6. Failure to adjust to conditions
7. Attitude
8. Driver impairment
9. Vehicle failure

Davans Driving Tips

Safe Driving Tips
1) Safe drivers focus on the task at hand
Avoid distractions like – Cell phones, Aircon Control, Radio adjustments, heated debates, seat adjustments. Pay attention to the road and your vehicle.

2) Slow down
The faster you drive, the longer it takes to stop, and the bigger the impact when you crash. Fast driving is responsible for 29% of fatal car crashes.

3) Always buckle up
Safety belts reduce the risk of injury by 50%

4) Use your blinkers
Confusion is the enemy of safe driving. Make your lane changes and turns predictable and smooth, and always signal in advance.

5) Keep a buffer between yourself and other motorists
Do not tailgate but rather keep a proper distance between your vehicle and one in-front.

6) Monitor your blind spots and stay out of others’ blind spots
This is especially true of large vehicles, such as tractor-trailers. The rule of thumb is that if you can’t see the driver in the truck mirror, he can’t see you either.

7) Adjust for rain
When the roads are slick and wet, especially in a heavy downpour or the first thirty minutes of a storm, your braking times increase. Slow down, detect and react properly.

8) Inflate your tires appropriately and change them when they are worn
Properly inflated tires make for safer handling and good vehicle control.

9) Maintain your vehicle
Regular oil changes and fluid checks. In case of break down, turn your signals, watch for fast moving vehicles, pull aside to a safe place, lock the doors.

10) Keep a steady pace
Be predictable and avoid surprising anyone around you.

11) Look far ahead of your vehicle
Keep your eyes far down the road and anticipate problems before you come to them. Front focus enables you to see all obstacles both front and sideways.

12) When in doubt, yield
If you aren’t certain who has the right of way, wait. If you know you have the right of way, but another motorist seems to disagree, give in. Better to lose a bit of time than to get caught in a collision.

13) Don’t drive drunk, buzzed, or high
Assess yourself honestly before deciding to drive. Do not drive under any influence either alcohol, medication, fatigue or otherwise. Take a cab instead.

14) Keep Yourself Safe and Protected
Above all, ensure you are covered with affordable car insurance.