As Davanns we believe in togetherness, responsibly, and respectively
Our Code of Ethics defines the Dos and Don’ts which are mandatory for all our employees. It is supposed to bring out our values, making clear what is expected from our people.
This helps us to live bring to live our purpose both in our workplaces and to our clients.
Standard Behavior
We conduct our operations with integrity and openness, and with respect for the rights and interests of our employees.
We shall similarly respect the legitimate interests of those with whom we have relationships.
We are committed to providing transparency across all our operations ensuring stakeholders trust what we do.
Obeying the Law
Davanns group and employees are required to comply with the laws and regulations of the countries where we operate.
Davanns is committed to a working environment that promotes diversity, inclusion, learning opportunities, non-discriminatory and equal opportunity, including for those with disabilities.
We believe in a workplace where there is mutual trust and respect for human rights. We support the physical and mental wellbeing of our employees, ensuring safe working conditions.
We shall recruit, employ, promote and retrain our employees on the sole basis of the qualifications and abilities needed for the work to be performed.
We will provide employees with a total remuneration package that meets or exceeds the legal minimum standards and in line with industry standards in the market. We are committed to giving employees a living wage, ensuring that they can meet their everyday needs.
We will not use any form of forced, compulsory, trafficked or child labour.
We shall respect the dignity of the individual and the right of employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
We will maintain good communications with employees through company-based information and consultation procedures.
We will provide transparent, fair, and confidential procedures for employees and/or third parties to raise concerns.
Business Partners
Davanns is committed to establishing mutually beneficial relations with our suppliers, customers, and business partners. In our business dealings we expect our partners to adhere to business principles consistent with our own. This means compliance with our third-party policies and a commitment to working with us to address issues that negatively impact society or/and environment. We will work with these partners to ensure conformity to laid down labour laws and human rights.
Compliance – Monitoring – Reporting
Compliance with these principles is an essential element in our business success. The Management is responsible for ensuring these principles are applied by all the employees.
Technical and Service Director is responsible for implementing these principles and is supported in this by the OHS&E Committee.
Day-to-day responsibility is delegated to departmental heads with mandate to implementing these policies and requirements at workplaces.
Assurance of compliance is given and monitored each year. Compliance is subject to review by OHS&E committee supported by finance for accountability issues.
Any breaches of the Code must be reported. The Management will not criticise employees for any loss of business resulting from adherence to these principles and other mandatory policies. Provision has been made for employees to be able to report in confidence and no employee will suffer because of doing so.
Community Involvement & Corporate Responsibility
Davanns strives to be a trusted corporate citizen and, as an integral part of society, to fulfil our responsibilities to the societies and communities in which we operate.
In our scientific innovation to meet customer needs we will respect the concerns of our customers and that of society. We will work based on good practices, applying best standards of product safety.
Davanns believes in vigorous yet fair competition and supports the development of appropriate competition laws. Our employees will conduct their operations in accordance with the principles of fair competition and all applicable regulations.
The Environment
Davanns is committed to making continuous improvements in the management of our environmental impact and to the longer-term goal of developing a sustainable business.
Davanns will work in partnership with others to promote environmental care, increase understanding of environmental issues and disseminate good practice.
Bribery & Corruption
Davanns does not give or receive, whether directly or indirectly, bribes or other improper advantages for business or financial gain. No employee may offer, give, or receive any gift or payment which is, or may be construed as being, a bribe.
Any demand for, or offer of, a bribe must be rejected immediately and reported to management.
Conflicts of Interests
All employees working for Davanns are expected to avoid personal activities and financial interests which could directly and indirectly conflict with their responsibilities to the company.
Employees must not seek gain for themselves or others through misuse of their positions.
Davanns is committed to the responsible, ethical and fair use of data. Any data we collect and use data shall be in line with our values, agreements with our customers and partners and in line with applicable country laws and with respect for privacy.